Journal Articles & Book Chapters
- 2022. Forward: Teacher identity in language teaching. In Sadeghi and F. Gharderi (Editors). Theory and Practice in Second Language Teacher Identity. Singapore: Springer. 1-5
- 2022. Jack C Richards 2022. Initiating professional development in language teaching. University of Sydney Journal of TESOL, Vol1, June 2022, 125-132
- 2022. Jack C Richards and Jack Pun (2022). Teacher strategies in implementing English medium instruction. ELT Journal, Volume 76, Issue 2, April 2022, 227– 237.
- 2022. Richards, J. C. (2022). Exploring Emotions in Language Teaching. RELC Journal, 53(1), 225–239. doi:10.1177/0033688220927531
- 2021. Introduction: Online Teacher Education and Professional Development in TESOL. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 9(3), 1-7
- 2021. Jack C Richards and Sadeghi, Karim 2021. Professional development among English Language Teachers: Challenges and recommendations for practice. Heliyon: 7, 9, doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08053
- 2021. Emotions in language teaching. Modern English Teacher, 30, 3, 4-8. doi:10.1177/0033688220927531
- 2021. Richards JC. Teacher, Learner and Student-Teacher Identity in TESOL. RELC Journal. March 2021. doi:10.1177/0033688221991308
- 2021. Richards JC, Pun J. A Typology of English-Medium Instruction. RELC Journal. February 2021. doi:10.1177/0033688220968584
- 2020. Reflections on teaching and publishing in the field of TESOL during COVID-19. RELC Journal, 51(3) 333–336.
- 2020. Exploring Emotions in Language Teaching. RELC Journal, 51(3) 1-15.
- 2019. Perceived versus Measured Teaching Effectiveness: Does Teacher Proficiency Matter? RELC Journal, 50(2) 1-14 (with Karim Sadeghi and Farah Ghaderi).
- 2019. On Transidentitying. RELC Journal, 50(1), 179-187 (with Owen Wilson).
- 2018. Editor’s introduction. RELC Journal, 49,2. 128-130.
- 2018. Afterword. in Juan de Dios Martinez Agudo (Editor). Emotions in Second Language Teaching. Switzerland: Springer. 445-449
- 2017. Curriculum approaches in language teaching. in Handbook of Research in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Vol 3. Eli Hinkel (Editor). New York: Routledge. 117-131.
- 2017. Transmissive and transformative approaches to language teacher education. in Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, 12(1), May 2017, pp. 15-38
- 2017. Teaching English Through English: Proficiency, Pedagogy and Performance. in RELC Journal, Vol 48/1 April, 1-24
- 2017. Teacher identity in second language teacher education. in Reflections on Language Teacher Identity Research. Gary Barkhuizen (Editor). New York: Routledge. pp 139-144
- 2016. Teacher Identity in Language Teaching: Integrating Personal, Contextual, and Professional Factors. (with Martha C. Pennington). RELC Journal, 47 (1), 5-23.2016.
- 2016. Jack C Richards and Randi Reppen. 12 principles of grammar instruction. In Eli Hinkel (Ed). Teaching English Grammar to Speakers of Other Languages. New York: Routledge. 151-170.
- 2015. Jack C Richards. Technology in language teaching today. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching 10,2, 16-29.
- 2015. Karim Sadeghi & Jack C Richards: The idea of English in Iran: an example from Urmia, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2015.1080714
- 2015. Creativity in language teaching. In Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and Practice. Rodney Jones and Jack C Richards (Eds). New York: Routledge. 15-44
- 2015. Sadeshi, Karim and Jack C Richards. Teaching spoken English in Iran’s private language schools: issues and options. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 210-234
- 2015. Materials Design in Language Teacher Education: An Example from Southeast Asia in Thomas Farrell (Editor). International Perspectives on Language Teacher Education Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 90-106.
- 2015. Creativity in language teaching. In A. Chik, T. Costley and M.Pennington (eds). Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class. Sheffield: Equinox. 15-44
- 2015. Introduction to “Teachers’ perspectives on task based language teaching”, in Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia. M. Thomas and H. Reinders (eds). London: Bloomsbury 2015. 137-138.
- 2015. The Changing Face of Language Learning: Learning Beyond the Classroom. RELC Journal Vol 45 (1), 1-18.
- 2014. Forward, in Pronunciation for English as an International Language. Ee-Ling Low. New York: Routledge.
- 2014. The ELT Textbook. In Sue Garton and Kathleen Graves (Editor). International Perspectives on Materials in ELT. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 19-36
- 2014. Forward, in English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education. Juan de Dios Martinez Aguo (Editor). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi. p 1-3.
- 2014. Towards a pedagogy of grammar instruction (with Randi Reppen). RELC Journal, Vol 45 (1), 5-25.
- 2013. Curriculum approaches in language teaching: Forward, central and backward design. RELC Journal, Vol 44 (1), 5-33.
- 2010. Competence and performance in language teaching. RELC Journal, Vol 41 (2), 101-122.
- 2008. Second language teacher education today. RELC Journal, Vol 39 (2), 158-176.
- 2008. Growing up with TESOL. English Teaching Forum Vol 46 (1), 2-11
- 2007. Materials development and research: towards a form-focussed perspective. In Sandra Fotos and Hossein Nassaji (eds). Form Focussed Instruction and Teacher Education: Studies in Honor of Rod Ellis. Oxford: Oxford University Press 147-160
- 2006. Teaching and learning in the language teacher education course room (with Gurmit Singh). RELC Journal 37 (2) 149-175
- 2006. Materials development and research-making the connection. RELC Journal (37) 1, 5-26
- 2005. Second thoughts on teaching listening. RELC Journal (36) 1 85-92.
- 2002. 30 years of TESOL: A personal reflection. RELC Journal 33,2 1-36
- 2001. The ideology of TESOL. In The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Ronald Carter and David Nunan (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 213-217
- 2001. Teachers’ beliefs and the processes of change. (with Patrick Gallo and Willy Renaday). PAC Journal, 1,1 41-64
- 1999. Addressing the grammar gap in task work. Prospect, 14 (1), 4-19
- 1996. Richards, Jack C. Teachers’ maxims in language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 281-296.
- 1996. Teachers and textbooks: a survey of beliefs and practices. Perspectives (City University of Hong Kong), with D. Mahoney. (81), 1 40-63
- 1995. Jack C Richards, Benjamin Li and Angela Tang. A comparison of pedagogic reason skills in novice and experienced ESL teachers. RELC Journal 26, 1-24.
- 1995. Easier said than done: an insider’s account of a textbook project. in A. Hidalgo, D. Hall and G. Jacobs (eds). Getting Started: Materials Writers on Materials Writing. Singapore: RELC 95-135
- 1994. Teacher Thinking and Foreign Language Teaching. in MEXTESOL Journal, Volume 18, Number 2, 1994
- 1993. Reflective thinking through journal writing: myths and realities (with B. Ho). Prospect. (8) 3
- 1993. Beyond the textbook: The role of commercial materials in language teaching. RELC Journal 24,1 1993 1-14
- 1992. Defining strategies in folk definitions. (with Andrew Taylor) Working Papers of the Department of English: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, 4, 1-8.
- 1992. The culture of the English language teacher: a Hong Kong example (with P.Tung and P.Ng). RELC Journal (23) 1, 81-102
- 1991.Beyond training: approaches to teacher education in language teaching. Prospect (31) 1 -12
- 1991. Teacher development through peer observation (with Charles Lockhart) TESOL Journal (1) 2: 7-10
- 1991. Content knowledge and instructional practice in second language teacher education. Georgetown University Round Table of Languages and Linguistics. Georgetown University Press. 76-99
- 1988. Getting into the Mainstream: Approaches to ESL Instruction for Students of Limited English Proficiency. (with Daniel S. Hurley) University of Hawai’i Working Papers in ESL, Vol. 7, No.2, December 1988, pp. 169-191.
- 1988. Publish or Perish: The Secret Life of a Textbook Writer. in Guidelines: A Periodical for Classroom Language Teachers, v10 n2 p88-96
- 1988. The practicum in TESOL (with Graham Crookes). TESOL Quarterly, (22) 1 9-27
- 1987. The dilemma of teacher education in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly (21) 2, 209-226
- 1987. Through the looking glass: trends and directions in language teaching. (with Theodore Rodgers) RELC Journal 18/2 1987 45-72
- 1985. Conversational competence through role play activities. RELC Journal (16) 1; 82-100
- 1984. Language curriculum development. RELC Journal (15) 1. 1-29
- 1983. (with MacFarquhar.P.D.) On dictionaries and definitions. 1983. RELC Journal, 14, 111-124
- 1983. Teaching listening: approach, design and procedure. TESOL Quarterly. 17,2, 219- 240
- 1983. Training ESOL teachers: The need for needs assessment. In. J.E.Alatis, H.H. Stern and P. Strevens (eds). Georgetown Round Table of Languages and Linguistics. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press 312-326 (With. N.Hino)
- 1983. with M. Sukwiwat. Language transfer and conversational competence. Applied Linguistics, 4 (2) 113-125
- 1983. Communicative needs in second and foreign language learning. English Language Teaching Journal (2)
- 1982. English in Hong Kong: functions and status (with Kang-kwong Luke. English World Wide. 3,1, 47-64
- 1981. Form and function in second language learning: an example from Singapore. In. R. Anderson (ed). New Dimensions in Second Language Acquisition Research. 153-164. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House.
- 1981. Introducing the progressive. TESOL Quarterly (13) 4.
- 1980. Conversation TESOL Quarterly 14, 4: 413-432
- 1980. Singapore English: rhetorical and communicative styles. In Braj Kachiur (ed). The Other Tongue: English Across Cultures. Oxford: Pergamon
- 1979. Rhetorical and communicative styles in the new varieties of English. Language Learning 29 (1): 1-26
- 1979. Introducing the perfect: an exercise in pedagogic grammar. TESOL Quarterly (13) 4
- 1977. Answers to Yes-No Questions. English Language Teaching Journal (31) 2.
- 1977. The La particle in Singapore English (with Mary Tay). In Willam Crewe (ed). The English Language in Singapore. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
- 1977. Interlanguage: A review and a preview (with Graeme Kennedy) in RELC Journal 8,1, 1977 13-28.
- 1976. The role of vocabulary teaching. TESOL Quarterly 10 (1), 77-89
- 1976. Reply to Larry Smith, English as an International Auxiliary Language. RELC Journal 7, 1976 46-48.
- 1975. Simplification: a strategy in the adult acquisition of a foreign language. Language Learning 25, (1) 115-126
- 1974. Word Lists: problems and prospects. RELC Journal 5 (2): 69-84
- 1972. Social factors, interlanguage and language learning. Language Learning, 22, 2 159-200
- 1971. A non-contrastive approach to error analysis. English Language Teaching Journal 25, 3, 204-219
- 1970. A psycholinguistic measure of vocabulary selection. International Review of Applied Linguistics. 8, 2, 87-102
- 1968. Language problems of Maori children. Comment (Wellington, New Zealand). 36: 28-32
- 1967. Pronunciation features of Thai Speakers of English. Te Reo: Journal of the Linguistics Association of New Zealand 10, 11, 67-65
Books & Monographs
- 2023. Principles for Language Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 362pp
- 2022. Teaching and Learning English in English Medium Instruction. Jack C Richards with Jack Pun. New York: Routledge. 306pp
- 2018. Planning a Language Course: Principles and Procedures. Singapore: Regional Language Centre and MarketAsia. 70pp
- 2018. Product and process in second language teacher education. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 270pp
- 2018. The Cambridge Guide to Learning English as a Second Language. Anne Burns and Jack C Richards (editors). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 350pp
- 2017. Jack C Richards’ 50 Tips for Teacher Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 120pp
- 2017. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 334pp
- 2015. Key Issues in Language Teaching. Jack C Richards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 826pp
- 2015. Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and Practice. Rodney Jones and Jack C Richards (Eds). New York: Routledge. 260pp
- 2015. Language Learning Beyond the Classroom. David Nunan and Jack C Richards (eds.). New York: Routledge. 302pp
- 2014. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (3rd edition), with Ted Rodgers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 410pp
- 2012. The Cambridge Guide to Pedagogy and Practice in Language Teaching. Anne Burns and Jack C Richards (editors). New York: Cambridge University Press.212. 300pp
- 2011. Tips for Teaching Listening: a Practical Approach. (with Anne Burns). New York: Pearson 244pp
- 2011. Practice Teaching: a Reflective Approach. Jack C Richards and Thomas Farrell. New York: Cambridge University Press. 185pp
- 2010. Reflections on English Language Teaching. (Guest Editor, special issue on teacher research). Vol. 9, 2 December 2010. Published by Centre of English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. 193pp
- 2010. Longman Dictionary of Language teaching and Applied Linguistics. (with Richards Schmidt). 4th edition. Harlow: Longman 644pp
- 2010. Selected Works of Jack C. Richards on Applied Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 698pp
- 2009.Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice. RELC Portfolio Series. Singapore: Regional Language Centre. 52pp
- 2009. Cambridge Guide to Second Language Teacher Education (editor with Anne Burns). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2005. Professional Development for Language Teachers (with Thomas Farrell). New York: Cambridge University Press
- 2002. Methodology in TESOL: An Anthology of Current Practice (ed with Willy Renandya). New York: Cambridge University Press
- 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 1998. Teaching in Action: Case Studies from Second Language Classrooms: Washington: TESOL
- 1998. Beyond Training. New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1998. Language Needs in Tertiary Studies: ESL Students at the University of Auckland. University of Auckland.
- 1998. University of Auckland Students’ Beliefs About Foreign Languages (with B. Gravatt). University of Auckland.
- 1996. Teacher Learning in Language Teaching (editor with Donald Freeman). New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1995. Cantonese as a Second language: a Study of Learner Needs and Cantonese Course Books (with D. Li). City University of Hong Kong.
- 1994. Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms (with Charles Lockhart). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 1992. Learning How to Teach: a Study of EFL Teachers in Pre-service Training. Hong Kong: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (with B. Ho and K. Giblin)
- 1991. The culture of the English Language Teacher (with P.Tung and P. Ng.) Hong Hong: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
- 1990. Second Language Teacher Education (editor, with David Nunan). New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1990. The Language Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1987. Methology in TESOL: A Book of Readings. (Editor, with Michael Long) New York: Newbury House
- 1986. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (with Theodore Rodgers). New York: Cambridge University Press. 2nd edition 2001. 3rd edition 2014.
- 1985. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics (with J. Platt and H. Weber) London: Longman. (3rd edition 2002, with Richard Schmidt – Longman Dictionary of Language teaching and Applied Linguistics).
- 1985. The Context of Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1983. Language and Communication (ed with Richard Schmidt). London: Longman.
- 1978. Understanding Second and Foreign Language Learning (ed). Rowley: Newbury House.
- 1974. Focus on the Learner (editor, with John. Oller Jr). Rowley. Newbury House
- 1974. Error Analysis (editor). Harlow: Longman
- 1969. Les Indices du Utilitie du Francais Fondamental. (with J. Savard). Quebec: Laval University Press.
Classroom Texts & Series
- 2021. Over to You: An Integrated Course (General Editor and Contributing Author): Levels 1,2, 3A and 3 B. Beijing: FLTRP Press.
- 2021. Over to You: Viewing, Listening and Speaking (General Editor and Contributing Author): Levels 1,2, 3A and 3 B. Beijing: FLTRP Press.
- 2019. Four Corners.(with David Bolhke) 2nd edition. Levels 1,2,3,4. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2017. Interchange. (with J. Hull and S Proctor) 5th edition. Levels 1,2,3
- 2017. Interchange 5th edition. Intro level. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2012. Interchange 4th edition, levels 1,2,3 and 4. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2012. Speak Now. (with David Bohlke). Levels 1,2,3. New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2012. Strategic Reading (second edition). Levels 1,2,3. Jack C Richards and Samuela Eckstut-Didier. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2011. Four Corners. (with David Bohlke). Levels 1-4. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2011. Tactics for Listening. (3 level series). 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2008. Join In. (with K O’Sullivan). New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2006. Tune In. (with K O’Sullivan). New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2004. Connect. (with C.Sandy and C. Barbesan). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 2003. Strategic Reading (with S. Eckstut-Didier. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 1998. Passages. (with C. Sandy). New York: Cambridge University Press. 2nd edition 2008.
- 1997. Springboard. New York: Oxford University Press.
- 1990-1993. Interchange. (with J. Hull and S. proctor). New York: Cambridge University Press. 3rd edition 2005
- 1990. Listen Carefully. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 1987. As I was Saying: (with J. Hull). Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley
- 1987. Listen for It (with A. Harper and D. Gordon). New York: Oxford University Press (2nd edition 1995)
- 1986. Fast Lane. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.
- 1984. Person to Person (with D. Bycina). New York: Oxford University Press . 3rd edition 2005
- 1982. Creative English. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.
- 1977. Breakthrough: a Course in Communication Skills. (With M.Long). Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.
- 1976. Guided Writing Through Pictures. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Unversity Press.
- 1976. Vocabulary in Action: Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press
- 1974. English Conversation Through Pictures. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.